Co-buying property with friends and family simplified with new SF group Nestment.

It’s me! Niles :)
It’s me! Niles :)

Hi Bay Area friends! (and those who have moved)

I’m a longtime friend and client of the Bellings Brothers and a Bay Area native currently living in SF. After a few years of co-buying properties with friends and family and getting approached by more and more people in my network for advice on the process, I decided to launch a co-buy company specifically for streamlining the co-buy process and making it easy and simple.

As part of our kickoff, we are looking to work with 3 initial groups free of charge and guide them through the process, answer questions, and organize everything you’ll need to start looking at properties (hopefully with the Bellings Brothers of course).

You don’t need to commit to actually buying a property. We are simply looking to learn from you as you learn from us. Depending on how quickly your group moves, the process can take as little as month for my team to align, organize, and produce everything you need.

If you think you are interested in co-buying and want to learn more about the process please fill out the form below and we will schedule an initial 30 minute discovery call :) It’s painless, we promise.

Looking forward to working with some of you and sharing my co-buy experience and knowledge!

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