2 Texas cities young people could flock to… that aren’t Austin.

We already know Texas has become a popular state for young people to move to, most notably, the city of Austin. Rooted as the liberal holdout of the state with a history of a bustling music scene, Austin has exploded in popularity as young people evaluate cities to move to that aren’t on either US coast. Throw in the massive college population of University of Texas and access to picturesque outdoors, and it’s no wonder why it has grown so rapidly.

BUT, with all of the benefits of explosive growth, Austin has also inherited issues long associated with popular coastal cities like LA and NY. Rising rents, gentrification, crowded streets, traffic, etc. Luckily, Texas is BIG state and has other small cities that offer the appeal of Austin without the explosive growth…yet.

Here are 2 small Texas cities that are quietly attracting young people.

Waco, TX

  • Population: 140,000 (1.2% growth rate / year)
  • Median age 28 years old.
  • Median home price: $145K
  • Notable places:
  • Waco Surf
  • Magnolia Silos market (popularized by Fixer Upper TV show)
  • Outdoors:
  • Rivers / parks (Carleen Bright Arboretum)
  • Lake Waco
  • Brazos River
  • Baylor University
  • Breweries, vineyards, distilleries

Amarillo, TX

  • Population: 200,000 (1.4% growth rate / year)
  • Median age 34 years old
  • Median home price: $140K

Notable places:

  • Funky historical Route 66.
  • Amarillo museum of art
  • Classic cars
  • Old West Texas sites and relics.
  • Cadillac Ranch. Slug Bug Ranch.
  • Stoner Patriot Peace Garden


  • Palo Duro Canyon (zip-lining, hiking, biking, etc.) Outdoor adventure proximity. 30 min drive from downtown.
  • Horseback riding
  • Fishing
  • Botanical gardens
  • Underground music scene. Bands stopping through on their way to SXSW setup and play intimate gigs in Amarillo.

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